Category Archives: Exchanges

Health Reform and Enhancing Patients’ Lives

Family medicine is creating and maintaining relationships with patients in order to enhance their lives.That is the definition I gave to the University of Iowa’s family-medicine residents at their resident retreat on Saturday. During my talk with this group of young physicians, I described my family-medicine team and how we help our patients to maintain their health, recover, and become healthy from an illness or improve their quality of life if diagnosed with chronic illness or a terminal disease. My team includes a head nurse, two health coaches who share a full-time position, a “roomer” nurse who seats patients in examination rooms and charts their vitals signs, and a “shot” nurse. Together, we are responsible for the family-medicine needs of 2,100 patients. I have described the use and value of health coaches in a previous entry.

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Health Reform and Wrapping Up

I should wrap up this blog with this post. This was to be the last entry. I said at the beginning, two and a half years ago, that I would chronicle the first two years of progress for health-care reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in Iowa. Now, at the end of the second year of the ACA, we are able — to some extent — to count the successes, some sad outcomes, and end the blog.

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Health Reform and the Letter of the “Court”

June 25, 2015, was a banner day for many reasons. The U.S Supreme Court decision in King v. Burwell allowing 6 million Americans (more than 40,000 in Iowa) to maintain federal subsidies to help pay for individual health-insurance premiums that were purchased under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) federal Exchange was uplifting. The decision will allow the ACA to become a permanent part of our lives and our culture. In Iowa, Republican Governor Terry Branstad responded to the decision saying the ACA was “unaffordable” and “unsustainable.” I would respond to his comments here, but Paul Krugman’s commentary in The New York Times published same day as the decision is a far better response than anything I could write.

In concluding his commentary, Krugman wrote, “Put all these things together and what you have is a portrait of policy triumph — a law that, despite everything its opponents have done to undermine it, is achieving its goals, costing less than expected, and making the lives of millions of Americans better and more secure. … And it’s a beautiful thing.”

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Health Reform and Numbers

60. I start and end this blog post with selected lines from poems. Dylan Thomas began his Poem in October with: It was my thirtieth year to heaven. Today marks my sixtieth year to heaven (I hope), and, instead of Dylan Thomas describing the beauty of Wales in October on his birthday, I am witnessing six months and thirty birthdays later the beauty of Iowa in April. April brings the brightest green grass of the year, the snow-white blossoms of the pear tree in my back yard, and the soon-to-be-red blossoms of my crabapple tree in the front yard. Colors seem to explode from every flower and bush.

Birthdays also mark time in relationship to other events, including the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. Albert Einstein died 60 years ago yesterday. Sixty years ago this month, Churchill left office as the prime minister of Great Britain. The American Revolution started 240 years ago on this date. For me, dates give a sense of one’s location in both the positive and negative swings of history. Correspondingly, numbers can give us perspective and relative significance of the people, events, and details of our lives. Today, I review some numbers that I have heard over the past several months, numbers that cause me to reflect on health reform, both positively and negatively.

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Health Reform and CoOportunity Health

It is with sadness that I acknowledge the takeover of the cooperative health-insurance company, CoOportunity Health, by the Iowa insurance commissioner. I have touted CoOportunity Health many times in this blog, and I have strongly felt it was a critical part of the current health-reform efforts in Iowa. My sadness is even greater for the 100,000 individuals who had insurance with CoOportunity Health. These individuals’ confidence and coverage are jeopardized because of this action. The health and peace of mind of friends, family, and patients who I know are insured by CoOportunity Health are a major concern for me at this time.

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Health Reform and a Governor Hatch Administration

One of my proudest moments, which was photographed — the photo is displayed in my office at the clinic — is the 1998 signing ceremony for the Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (HAWK-I) program. I stood with representatives of several medical societies and an Iowa family that included a mom and three daughters while Governor Branstad signed into law a program that helped to make Iowa a leader in the nation in the percentage of insured children.

I worked long and hard with Democratic legislators, Republican Representative Brad Hansen, who also is in photo, and Republican Senator Nancy Boettger to create a program made possible by federal funding that created a public-private system to insure children. For my efforts, in 1999 I received a national Public Health Award from the American Academy of Family Physicians. During the negotiations for the HAWK-I bill, I clearly remember that then-Governor Branstad did not want a quasi-independent board to supervise the program.  He stated that in his administration he did not want to add “silos” that prevented him from overseeing the actions of state government.

Fast forward to 2013-2014.

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Health Reform and Reminiscences of Hospice Patients

This blog is dedicated to a good friend and patient of mine who died last month in hospice. I had taken care of her for 15 years. We had many remarkable and enjoyable conversations regarding her growing up in a home where her father was a physician. She thought very highly of her father and the profession of medicine. She knew the value of good medical care and how much it means to all of us, even physicians and their families. She had seen the human side of medicine in its effects on her father and her family.

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Health Reform and Answers from Iowa Candidates

Over the past months I have been inundated with requests for campaign contributions, and I looked for a way in which to make informed decisions about which candidates to support. In last month’s blog post, I shared two questions I posed to Iowa candidates running for U.S. Congress, the Iowa governorship, and the Iowa Legislature. The questions asked were an effort to engender better knowledge of just two of the complex issues surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). At that time, I said I would make a $1,000 campaign contribution to the candidate who provided the most-specific answers to my questions and allow the responses to be posted on this blog. If I received thoughtful responses from several candidates, the $1000 contribution would be shared.

To date, I have received only one response, that of Senator Jack Hatch, who is running for Iowa governor. I have posted his response below. I sincerely appreciate Senator Hatch’s response. The opportunity for candidates to submit a response to my questions remains open until August 15. S.S. McClure, editor and publisher of McClure’s Magazine, once said, “The vitality of democracy depends on popular knowledge of complex questions.”  I seek candidates’ answers for just two of the many complex questions surrounding the ACA. Please let the candidates you support know about this campaign-contribution opportunity. Help me share “popular knowledge about complex questions.”

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Health Reform and Questions for Iowa Candidates

During the Golden Age of Journalism, S.S. McClure, editor and publisher of McClure’s Magazine, who is credited with developing some of the best journalists of the 19th century, said, “The vitality of democracy depends on popular knowledge of complex questions.”

Complex questions are currently before the public involving health care, and, specifically, the unfolding and future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare are clearly among the most complex questions our society faces.

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Health Reform, Celebrating, and Parenthood

Celebrate! I celebrate the birth of my granddaughter and the birth and growth of CoOportunity Health. This week, as I drove with my wife and my 2-and-a-half-year-old grandson across the city of Des Moines so we all could meet my newborn granddaughter, I pondered the emotions involved with parenthood: the pride that — even as a grandparent, with only a small part in the creation of this tiny, new life — is still an overwhelming emotion, responsibility, joy, and sincere thanks. Each of these emotions fill a parent, grandparent, or godparent. At the baby’s birth on Tuesday evening, May 27, I was so moved and will continue to be throughout this beautiful child’s life into her adulthood.

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